Do you want to follow a precise plan? Or have the opportunity to be more spontaneous?
Do you want to feel safe because you know the exact agenda? Or do you prefer to have the skills and the freedom to adapt? And be safer because you can quickly pivot.
It's not just about spending time in nature...It's about moving with more elegance and harmony.
Wouldn't it be nice to also have the skills to move with ease and confidence? So that you don't get rattled when conditions come up.
You keep your composure.
And wouldn't it be nice to have the efficiency to move quietly without forcing anything?
So you have confidence.
But skills alone won't get you that childlike sense of aliveness that brings excitement and spontaneity.
Isn't it also important to have the freedom to choose?
You see a perfect beach, and the sun is hitting it just right. You decide let's go there.
knowing that someone is keeping an eye on the big picture, to make sure we stay safe.
Not just a vacation to remember, but one that leaves you with more composure and resilience...and reignites your sense of wonder.
You are responsible for all equipment
per day for one
per day for additional group members (maximum 4)
Per day